Trifecta Challenge the Path

This was done for trifecta:

This week’s word is:

PATH 1: a trodden way 2: a track specially constructed for a particular use 3a : course, route   b : a way of life, conduct, or thought

Please remember:
  • Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
  • You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
  • The word itself needs to be included in your response.
  • You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.

This way of life is mine
it was given, I did not ask
regrets are mingled with
I don’t give a damn
moments perhaps wished erased
but to the contrary
moments I would not banish
would my way of life be different
I cannot change so I can’t tell

Temptation has led to trouble
lies have caught me out
becoming a mother gave me inner peace
my true calling without doubt
growing, learning on this path I walk
the path that’s known as life
accepting, forgiving and loving
this is what my journey is all about

being the person I am today
learning how to grow like
tossed autumn leaves revealing
another part to me, this is all that
I can show, for there hasn’t been
another way, I’m simply who I am
you either love, hate me or
simply just accept the person that
you know

my path I still shall follow
till it shuts with eyes closed tight
I’ll have memories of the good and bad
of the laughter and of my tears
my foibles and my strengths
but would I choose another way
no I swear this on my life
my path is something I continue
till I bid this world good-night

32 thoughts on “Trifecta Challenge the Path

  1. Well, you are a wonderful writer and I definitely don’t want you to abandon your efforts to link up with us on Trifecta. You words will enhance what is, already, a beautiful place to be. So, let’s not give up. I’m the I.T. guy at my school so, if you would like me to attempt to link up from this page, please let me know. I will check back after the kids are in bed and see what I can do for you….if that’s ok with you. If you would prefer to wait for the Site Admin to look into things, that’s swell too. Whatever the case, you need to have your words read by the wonderful Trifecta folks so, no quitting allowed!!!!! 🙂

    • Thank you so much Tom for your words. I am really quite taken back. It appears the Trifecta folk have made the link and now I just have to figure out how so that I am able to do it again. 🙂 You are very generous in your offer to help and I am truly grateful for your support and your kind words.

  2. Thanks Deana I saw – I just now need to know how so I am able to continue writing for Trifecta challenges. Maybe the next prompt would be what’s the challenge of getting the link to work! 🙂 x

  3. Welcome to Trifecta! I’m glad your link issues were resolved.

    Good to accept the path you’re on, as pondering the “what ifs” leaves us dwelling on outcomes that we’ll never know. (And every mis-step and regret makes us who we are today.)

  4. like tossed autumn leaves revealing another part to me — this is a fantastic line…


    regrets are mingled with
    I don’t give a damn — i love the honesty in those lines, i’ve felt that too…

    well done 🙂

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