Eyes now open


Hook in her mouth, a fish baited
she fought the current
Squirming, young and innocent
held, by the line of his hand
his charismatic ways
Slowly reeled in, to the delight
of his company

Time leads to the unnoticed
Blind to her discontent, she felt
her freedom, was now sought
his charm losing its appeal
Common ground was walked on
but that was years ago
The familiarity of togetherness
people change

What excited, now was boring
what was quirky, pissed her off
He was not the man she met
and people grow apart
Not thinking that it mattered
oblivious to her needs
He saw no need to alter

He was wrong, he knows this now
attention to finer details
aware of her unhappiness, he remained
the one who caught the prize
No thought at what the cost

Looking back, his eyes were closed
He missed her cringes, when he spoke
Missed the tell-tale signs of boredom
She was no longer young and innocent
wanting more than what he gave

It was a quiet Autumn morning
she closed the door behind her
one last time
Unhooked the line, he thought he held
swimming to her freedom

© JMTacken 19.5.2014

Photo Credit: http://www.deviantart.com

19 thoughts on “Eyes now open

  1. i am glad she found the strength to unhook in the end…too often you see them…and you know…but they have yet to open their eyes to it…or maybe just dont see a way out of it…

  2. That is a wise tale that you encompass in your words.
    Relationships change and a point does come sometimes when you have to set yourself free. Wonderful writing. 🙂
    And I’ve not been regular on wordpress and thus, I apologize for being a bad reader lately. 🙂

    • Firstly Anmol, thank you for your kind praise and secondly no need to apologise, I barely find time to write these days or read and catch up on others.glad you pop over at any time :-!

  3. I had a fisherman who ‘hooked’ me, one of my first posts, I wrote about his pin pricking me, the hook that caught me. I was not happy with him, but it is only a year since we ‘broke up’ and this one brought me to the edge of tears. I know I shouldn’t; but I miss him… Your long ago poem touched my nerve ending, which is a good sign of a well written poem, where it reaches out to its audience and drew me in! Hugs, Robin

    • I’m so sorry Robin that you have experienced it, think we all have at one time or another though haven’t we. Sorry that it brought back memories too, but I am glad that my words were powerful enough to bring a reaction, albeit a sad one 😦 hugs, thank you and take care. x

  4. This touches everywhere, Jen. In what we feel at times, in what we observe, in what we fail to notice. Too easy to be the fish and so painful to draw away. I thought, by the end, that despite escape, the barb would tear deeply upon withdrawal. Poor girl, silly man. I suppose it would work in reverse. So insightful.x

    • I think she swam away before she was too injured, or perhaps numb too any pain as a result. Thank you darling, as always, appreciate your wonderful comments. I feel guilty, as I don’t go into too much detail when I reply to you and others 😦 yes it can work in reverse as we have probably witnessed, you are right. Appreciate your lovely comment and reading~ thank you. Hugs xx

  5. Beautifully written and yes, I have been there and was able to unhook the hook and gain myself and my freedom back. Thank you, enjoyed your poem immensely!

      • I will definitely visit again because I am following you and am so grateful to have found your blog. We are at the same stage in life, facing similar and different challenges so you are good for my soul. I just started a blog while recuperating from a major surgery, so I am enjoying finding my way around this new world and connecting with people that I resonate with! Thank you for your kind welcome.

      • Cat, no thank you. To have what I write resonate with those who read me, is a pleasure beyond words, saying I am good for your soul…well I sit here smiling, so I thank you immensely. I hope you are doing ok after your surgery, hugs and thoughts go out to you. ❤

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