What’s important?

I have poetry written, it sits in my folder. I posted one earlier, others I have written are of my boredom, of my day to day soul searching about the career path I have chosen.

The poetry waits, with the news that we had today in Melbourne, that has both sickened me and tore at my heart. My thoughts of how my life is, are insignificant in the scheme of things.

An eleven year old boy, playing cricket, his dad estranged from the mother, watching him, a cricket ground in front of a small community, happy and safe…

Until the father of this innocent boy, cornered him in a cricket practice net, belting him and then stabbing him to his death.

Police tried pepper spray, the father wouldn’t give up. Police then fired a shot, the father begged them to continue but he fell and later died.

Luke R.I.P. Questions of why go through everyone’s mind. His mother interviewed later, who was at the ground but thankfully did not witness the atrocity, said her ex husband loved his son.

Love that got lost along the way, she was abused for years before they separated. She trusted her husband with her son.

With all that happens in the world, with the Valentines Day celebrations and good cheer about to happen, where love and money making for Hallmark and florists abound, these are moments to think about. The snow storms hitting the USA, the floods ravaging in the UK though they catastrophic, they don’t compare, writing to release my inner thoughts – certainly mean nothing.

A mother is without her only child, a man lost with problems we may never know about.

I can’t begin to imagine what this poor young child was thinking as his father belted him with a bat then pulled a knife on him and began stabbing him.

I’m not saying to forget celebrations, or what is happening in other parts of world is trivial, I’m in my own way, simply reflecting on what I was writing and comparing it to what others have experienced in the last 24 hours and how their lives have changed.