6 thoughts on “My 160th Post – I had to post these two …..I just had to

  1. Okay this reminds of the day I decided Missy and I should take a walk to the beach. So, we walked to the beach about 20 mins no problem and then I decided we should walk a bit further to the dog beach. Well, it seemed like it would only be a short distance. I had no idea how long it took walking ( I have done the route on my bike) not so bad for me but Missy is not used to walks like that and I almost killed her. But yes, we took lots of rest stops along the way and lots of water for Missy. But I did get panicky wasn’t sure if she would make the walk back home and she weighs 60 lbs…so it’s not like I could pick her up and carry her.

    • Darling I think you posted the comment on the wrong post – but pfft no matter.
      Yes I guess it’s a matter of being on the look out for any signs of fatigue or stress. I walked for a long period with a dog that we minded..an English Bulldog and it was a warm day. By the time I got to the top of the hill near home his tongue was turning purple. I thought I was killing him! Luckily a kind young guy pulled up and saw how stressed I was and put him in his car and we drove the 2 minutes to home. I gave him water, massaged him and kept him cool and he was ok.
      We just never know until we see the signs.. but riding a bike whilst dragging (Bob) along is completely and utterly careless and irresponsible.

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