after the day – prose from Port Douglas

no unsettling macabre tales
as deep within these grey cells
lies beauty – a captured picture
not through a lens
but taken through my eyes

gone the wintry blustery grey
the dark as dungeons, the shutters
of my eyes the camera holding
what I see and feel and smell

for it’s me that takes the candid
shots, though years may travel on
if I never see the photo printed –
in my mind I’ll see it clear, I’ll
remember what it looked like what
was captured here


Calling it a night though only 8:30pm…must be all the fresh air 🙂 We had a lovely tea. Pasta Carbonara for Mr. S and I have a yummy Surf and Turf (thick med-rare steak with garlic cream sauce topped with king prawns, salad and chips) oh and a Mojito …can I tell you how lovely that was… 🙂 So it’s over and out from me for another night (and here I was thinking I wouldn’t blog whilst away…yeah right Mumsy) I figure if I do this daily I won’t have so much to catch up on when I get back. 🙂 xx


When it is dark enough, you can see the stars

Charles A Beard

You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die

Or when

You can only decide how you’re going to live


Joan Baez

Imagine the people in your life as tiny infants & as 100 year old adults. Ask yourself this question “Will this matter a year from now?”

Richard Carlson

The grand essentials to happiness in life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for

Joseph Addison


Look out world I’ve leant how to use the Scanner! If only the photos would stay on the post & I could get the alignment right!!!

Ok so this is going to cause trouble because now that I have finally learnt (yes tech savvy I’m not) to operate my printer/fax/scanner thingy-ma-bob I probably have 2000 photos to share….oi!! stop running away and sit back down, I’m kidding…possibly…

Wedding Day Mum and Dad 1951-Melbourne


So even though I am wildly excited as I know you will be to show my thousands of photos… what ? I hear you’re not???? Hmmm maybe I should title the blogs “Another Photo” that way when you see it come up you can grab a glass of wine, read another blog, go do the dishes, walk the dog or switch the computer off… and I may even share some rather hideous photos of yours truly if you ask me nicely. 🙂 but of course you won’t see them if you switch your computer off now will you… ok enough rambling… BELOW LEFT IS MUM  & ON THE RIGHT IS DAD…’cos mum is wearing the dress…







There are days when you want to blog your heart out

and  then there are days when you can’t think of anything that anybody on this entire planet would want to read.

Well I’m having a blog your heart out day it seems.

This is my 3rd today – yes 3rd – absurd – yes I concur. What do I wish to blog about? Let me see perhaps  – the addictiveness of blogging the obsession of putting ones thoughts on public view?

I started because I enjoy writing and this pretty much sums it up for us writers does it not?


well maybe not quite as dramatic, maybe I’m just feeling ‘arty’   

No hang on not that ‘arty’

Not that I don’t like art, I do though you would never think it, because my home is very minimilistic  though according to the ‘www’ –  Minimalistic: There is no such word as minimalistic. The word is minimalist. So my house or more so my walls are minimalist/bare/scant/empty/naked/stark/unembellished…I think you get the drift? I have 2 sets of photos of my eldest daughters wedding and I have a collage which my parents gave me as me as a child (cute as a button I was – but we aren’t going down that path) &  that’s it. Yet I do love art – I like prints and photos and some ‘real works’ – by that I mean paintings – brushes, palettes, linseed oil and all of that. In fact some years back I sold an oil painting that I did (pats myself on the back), but have never really taken it up again.

How did I start talking about this kind of art,

when I meant the art of writing???   

See I’m boring you now aren’t I?

10 days and no has not come to an end

I realised that yes it has been 10 days since I last ‘posted’.

I don’t have a fan club of avid followers like some of my fellow Blog Stars, nor several hundred that hit the ‘like’ button, and I wonder at times why did I start blogging? 

Did I start because I wanted the attention for my literary snippets?  Or did I simply want the  ‘like’ button hit?

I must admit when I received the first notification that someone had actually read my post I got the tingles. What? You mean someone actually sat at their computer/IPad/Laptop and read something that I had written? Someone whom I had not set eyes upon, had actually done this?

Of course after that, the posts came thick and fast -there must be others out there that would enjoy what I do (almost hyperventilating).

I ask myself though do mine have any significance? Should I have beautiful photos attached? Should it be written about quests that I have accomplished or those that are yet to be? What constitutes a worthwhile blog?  

I haven’t ‘posted’ for 10 days because I’m in the throes of writing a novel, and it’s a juggling act with coming home tired from working every day, to either ‘veg’ out, write a post, do my on line course, or continue my novel. Most nights I’m to tired to do anything. Sadly that leaves the week-end, but then there is OMG  social activities with friends and family or mundane activities such as housework that gets in the way!

But never fear people who have  previously ‘liked’ me before,  I hope  in the not too distant future you shall be able to hit that ‘like’ button once more ….when I find the energy.

**My Memoir – The Empty Nest A Mother’s Hidden Grief is now available through Amazon and Lulu (J M Kadane)**


Capturing History

Tonight I had my parents over for dinner.

Mum is 83 dad is 85 years young.

The dinner was thoroughly enjoyed, but the best part of the evening was the beginning of history in the making.

I had decided to video them talking about their child-hood, and their lives before coming to Australia.

Dad escaped from (Czechoslavakia) as it was known then during the war. Though being captured a few times, held at gun point, almost shot by an SS guard, and endured and saw things that no one should have to in their life time, he managed to escape to England where he met my mother.

Dad spoke for an hour sometimes wavering in his thoughts and his memory and  next weekend we will continue his amazing journey before mum then talks about her life.

I wanted to capture not only their life but their voices and their faces, so that my children will remember them and their children and generations of our family to come.

Sometimes we think of doing these things and then it’s too late. The memory will sadly fade. Their great- great- great grandchildren, will not know them by voice, only by aged and yellow photos. They may hear the stories that will be handed down about what sort of life they led, but this way they will have a visual of who they were.

Our parents are to be loved, cherised and remembered.

Please seize the moments when you can.

**My Memoir – The Empty Nest A Mother’s Hidden Grief is now available through Amazon and Lulu (J M Kadane)**