The Dragon Loyalty Award

This morning I awoke to an Award “The Dragon’s Loyalty Award” – which made me giggle at first as this is what (politely of course) my nick-name was from my ex. 🙂

This Award was bestowed to me from Annetbell from In gratitude for nominating me, I list the Award ‘giver’ and also their nominees.

So thank you very much Annet, I hope that this post and my thank you will suffice, in place of accepting .  Annetbell’s post on this Award can be found >

So thank you again and to my readers if you haven’t popped in to any of the above, nows your chance 🙂


I need to get something off my chest.

I struggle.

When I 1st started blogging, not knowing if in fact people would follow me, or more to the point I would follow anyone, I didn’t know how much I would be consumed.…ok I was a Virgin Blogger. We have all been there.

I have found the last few days (okay possibly longer) that I am struggling to keep up with reading and answering every post that people publish. I NOW realise when I was off work and I was totally consumed by writing to fill my day, that I bombarded everybody’s mailbox. How they must have felt – ‘Oh dear won’t she just shut up’?

I apologise for the amount that I posted….it is draining. Should we just delete the ones we have no interest in, or out of courtesy read everything that our virtual friends have written?

As I haven’t been on line for pretty much the entire weekend, I am faced with 50 emails from posts of the people that I follow.

I am a Cancerian and I am also possibly…slightly obsessive. I need to tell you all that I have the ‘guilts’ – I have the guilts when I can’t keep up. I am not spinning a tale, this is the truth, I feel SO bad if I cannot comment on every post from everyone that I follow.

It takes me a minimum of 3 hours to read every post, then to post a reply. Since I commenced last year, with every person that I followed, I have committed myself to read and respond.  If you feel that isn’t the case I apologise, but I have honestly tried to ‘keep up’ I came on WP to write, but I find myself of late reading more than I write.

I AM TRYING to respond in a reasonable amount of time, I am. I just need to let you all know that if I don’t answer immediately, I will eventually.

I wrote about blog etiquette and I am slipping myself in following through with what I believe are the rules and regulations of being a good blogger. There MUST be respect and acknowledgment. It is not about having people read what you write and hit the blessed ‘like’ button and move on. It’s about being involved with the writer, establishing a rapport, getting to know that person that you follow.

Otherwise this is plainly BS…sorry but that is how I feel.

I started writing because I enjoy writing. I did not start a WP site for praise. I am astounded by those that have followed me ( I am sure some of my followers don’t even read what I write – they do not care) but I DO CARE. I am involved with what you write and who you are and I need to tell you that I shall, when I can, read what you have written and reply. If I don’t then it’s simply a case of I haven’t the time or to be blatantly blunt a particular post you have written has not caught my interest enough to comment, or I have so many to reply too I have to CHOOSE.

Even in saying that I feel harsh… but I am saying it how it is, so forgive me.

I am here to write and then to respond, I will try my utmost to acknowledge the posts that you write, but for the moment I am feeling a little overwhelmed…

I want to be a respectful and caring blogger.. a person who isn’t here merely for stats and likes and a pat on the back.

I can only say don’t feel harshly towards me..I am but human.





I am a little over whelmed with Awards of late (blushes). This delightful one was bestowed by Shaun (he is a very naughty laddy ) for he has presented me with two in the last few days. I am partially accepting this, in as much as I won’t answer the questions about myself (because I think you know me pretty much by now) or list my nominees (for the truth be known I feel terrible having to single people out).


1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.     Here is his Award giving post

So to completely mess with the ‘rules’ (as I do) I am putting his comments (7 things about himself) and his other nominees in gratitude for wishing to share this Award with me. Thank you Brave Heart 🙂

Seven things about Shaun:

1. I am about to start watching Continuum the TV Show. My Partner says I will love it, it has time travel in it :-)

2. I had a Calzone last night for tea, my GOD it was Amazing!!!

3. I am at present Listening to “Oasis Live in Manchester” the song is Wonderwall

4. It is raining here, it has been cloudy all day, so not unexpected. If it doesn’t rain here, we worry why!

5. I have had several people follow me in the last few weeks who are AMAZING friends and brilliant people.

6. I have so many good friends on Word Press, you are all an extension to my online family

7. It is nearly 5pm as I write this.

He now nominates 14 people: 


















Am I being naughty for accepting this Award and partially accepting others – yes I AM (guilty as charged).
Shall I be chastised because of it – I HOPE NOT.

Do I feel truly honoured for receiving it – Yes I DO!


Awarding the people who live in the moment,
The noble who write and capture the best in life,
The bold who reminded us what really mattered –
Savoring the experience of quality time.

This Award was bestowed upon me from   Face at the window

You can see her post here at

Her other nominees are: (I left mine in as she seems to know me well, me hearties’) (because she writes about stuff that matters) (because she is brave and would make an excellent pirate)

ME   (because I suspect she knows how to make pirate grog) (because she has a soft heart with pirate-y edges)  (that girl is all pirate)

Rules of the Moment Matters Award

1. Repost the award and award description
2. Give an acceptance speech
3. Pass the award on, and notify the nominees.

Acceptance Speech
“Is this microphone on”
“Oops sorry it is”.
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen and members of the foreign press. I stand here before you with a really sore toe, humbled that Face has nominated me for the The Best Moment Award. At this juncture I am a little lost at what particular moment I have actually received this honour for. Is the time when I felt really sorry for myself when I was out of work and lost a girlfriend and moaned to the blogging world? Is it for the ode that I wrote about my dog that was put to sleep 6 years ago? Is it perhaps my Haiku or free verse?

It may be for my entries into so many challenge sites that I lost count of what I did for whom. Is it because I write of my Pop and mum and share with you all,  the love I have for them? I could go on and on and I realise that you are all getting rather fidgety at this point and want to head to the after party bar for refreshments, so I shall wind up as the man in front is waving his arm madly in a circular motion at me.”

“I would like to sincerely thank Face or as I call her ‘Ace’ for thinking enough about me to put me in her list of other fine nominees. She is simply a gorgeous human being who I have grown to have an affinity with and for that I thank her for being who she is.

“I do hope you all check her site out and enjoy what she writes as much as I do”.

“My nominees are the following, drum roll please. What we don’t have drums? Ok without drums then..sheesh!”

“I am nominating 3 people whom I haven’t nominated before (I don’t think) is there a rule where you have to walk the plank if you forget who you have nominated previously?”

Forgive me but my link button is not wanting to play with my nominees – they keep going to a bank sites or amazon     😦  because this lovely woman writes exquisitely and is helping me to become a better writer and you should pop over and have a read. – because she is a fellow Australian who writes extremely informative, intelligent and down to earth posts. because she writes as her name implies, she is both hilarious and extremely talented (especially with Haiku).

Super Sweet Blogging Award

Salutations my dear readers. Shaun from over at Looking for reasoning to a complicated world

kindly nominated me for A Super Sweet Blogger Award. Chuffed am I to have this bestowed on me. You can see his post here >

As I am partially accepting the Award – in showing my appreciation for this lovely gesture, I list his other nominations below for you all to have a peek at (if you aren’t already that is). I have recently started following Shaun – he is a humorous, good-natured and thoughtful man who lives in Scotland with his family and newly acquired Staffie. He suffers from Chronic Pain and blogging and sharing helps him get through his days and nights. Please visit, I’m sure you will be glad you did.

You may notice that the below are all femme fatales …this shows how sweet this gentleman is. 🙂

1. Breathing Space @

2. Joaynn510 @

3. tersiaburger @

4. theseeker @

5. knocked over by a feather @

6. Sonel’s Corner @

7. A Shade of Pen @

8. thek9harperlee @

9. myspokenheart @

11. Joaynn510 @

12. Thoughts of yaussiechick @

WordPress Family Award plus 28 nominees (I forgot the rules)




If you poo-poo Awards that’s fine by me. Each to his/her and let live etc.  Feel free to delete this email, I shall not be hurt or angered (possibly because I shall be none the wiser if you do).


The WordPress Family Award is reserved for folks in Cyberspace who are  unceasingly kind, sympathetic, encouraging, and open to laughter – and who keep each other going by sharing, commenting, and making personal connections even though they may actually be virtual strangers.

I was nominated by the lovely Eunice from Living and Loving – Details here

As you know I have only accepted Awards (partially) in the past, but this is a ‘family’ Award and as there aren;t too many rules and regulations I have accepted it fully from Eunice.


  • Display the award logo on your blog.
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 10  (or more) others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family.
  • Let your 10 (or more) Family members know you have awarded them.

Yes you may notice that I added in the *the more* because there shouldn’t be hard and fast rules on handing out Awards. In my world one person is no greater than the other, so I went a little overboard, but truly who gives a ‘rat’s razoo’ if there is 10 or 100.  Why is it written that only 10 people deserve to be nominated?  What if there are 200 that have made an impact on your life since blogging? The people whom I have nominated have treated me with nothing but kindness and have supported me through my down, up, whacky, teary and crazy days of blogging since I began and in my humble opinion they are my WordPress Family. So if your name isn’t on this list it doesn’t mean I think any less of you, I appreciate all who follow and take an interest in what I have to say, it just means I have forgotten to add you and for that I apologise.

Some on the list are new, but in a little amount of time they have also shown me that they care and support me so I felt it only right to give them a ‘shout-out’ so that you may pop along and read them if you aren’t already doing so.  For the 28 I have listed the Award is yours to pick up and run with if you are willing to do so, I have enjoyed reading your posts, I am glad that I follow you and will continue to do so.


Another Wandering Soul

Irish Katie

Wonderland By Tatu


Meditating Mummy’s Blog

Dianne Gray Author


Knocked Over By A Feather

Land Of Quo


Sex, Spirit, Soul Mates And Chocolate….Ivonne’s Journey

Motherhood Is An Art

In The Net! – Stories Of Life And Narcissistic Survival

I’ve Got A Story

Gabriela Blandy – The Sense Of A Journey

Kyred’s Blog

Raising The Curtain



Susan Daniels Poetry

Rambles By Desertrose.


A Prayer Like Gravity

Alastair’s Photo Fiction

Cabin Fever

The End


Liebster Award

I have (hopefully) stopped comments for this post as I did not write it for others to thank me – I don’t know if it will work. Ok so I have found out what I have done is clearly not working. Please no need to hit the like button or comment – thank you.



from Cricket’s Road through Wool Projects (her baby site as she calls it) see here…well below..

Has kindly bestowed a Liebster Award upon me. I am humbled that I have been thought of enough to be nominated. Many pooh – pooh Awards, many say it’s akin to chain mail, for whatever reason an Award is given, I shall continue to ‘partially accept’ as I have in the past.

One must be thankful and show the manners they have learned in life. To acknowledge that  someone has included me in their list, means that I show my appreciation on a post for their site and for the other nominees, for my readers to go and have a peek at.  No ‘I’ in team folks. So thank you Cricket for the Award, I am grateful that you have considered me worthy.
Other nominees are:


Open for Suggestions

It is Sunday the 7th of April 3:30pm. The brilliant sun has now crept behind the clouds ready to shine on some other part of the planet. We have turned back our clocks (or they have automatically done that themselves) no more daylight savings 😦  and I did some weeding this afternoon. Yay Me!

I firstly want to say ‘ta’ to those that have commented so graciously on my Blog Etiquette Post – which is here       Blog Etiquette- The 10 Commandments from the reader and the writer’s prospective – 400th Post
if you haven’t read it I shall refrain from asking why not. For those who have, I do hope that I imparted some useful advice (if not, I tried).

A few days ago Lynette decided upon a name change for her site which you can now see here

Which got me thinking, upon her suggestion that I should change mine from ramblingsfromamum. I am now open for suggestions.

Should I change?
Why should I change?
What suggestions do you have?

Naturally I will take all your comments on board (as per the Blog Etiquette) and promptly trash them, then make up my own mind …….. kidding!!!

So yup,  putting it out there, testing the waters, getting a feel (not that!)

So what do you think of the idea? Hmm, come on don’t be shy.



I shall in a day or two reply to suggestions and comments made in a post, so forgive me for not answering each of you individually as I normally would have.

A Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I have been nominated for the above Award – I ‘partially’ (as you may be aware), accept Awards (which may sound rather trite) and I do not mean that to be the case, this Award is from the wonderful her other nominees are the following:-

Deliberate Donkey
Angies Grapevine
Looking for reasoning to a complicated world
From the Fog
The Blog of Otis
The Temenos Journal
Evil Squirrel’s Nest
Breathing Space
Fibro Feist
Ramblings of a jerk
Fairytale Epidemic
Blog It or Lose It!
Fish Of Gold

Her answers to the 7 questions were :

Seven Things About Merbear
1. If I could get plastic surgery, I would buy a new chin. 2. I wasn’t a Beatles fan until 2008. 3. I Love The Food Network. 4. I just bought a Forever Comfy5. It actually is comfy. 6. I am not a fan of condiments. 7. I have a purse fetish. My favorite is a brown Coach.

This lady is beautiful, talented and extremely funny and if you haven’t visited her site I urge you to do so.

So thank you for bestowing this Award to me “Merby” (as I call her) and congratulations to the other nominees, I ask that you take a peak at their sites and as gratitude display their site names ( yes I have been a little lazy and not done the links) 😦

I thank you.


Liebster Award ……. from My Spoken Heart

These people listed above, along with myself, have been nominated for a Liebster Award. I have thanked and I am humbled by having this Award bestowed on me, for as Andrea has written from who nominated me “I just like them and think they deserve some recognition… so… here is my list”. So as I partially accept Awards, I post the sites of her other nominees, for you to go and have a peak at, if you haven’t already.

People say that Awards are rubbish (well some do) that is like spam, that one doesn’t have to be recognised for what they write or do on here. I took this to heart and stopped accepting Awards. For indeed the Award is having people read what you write and appreciate what you do. However in saying that, I think it is a tad negative if you don’t appreciate others, not for the want of us being patted on the back, but that others think what we do is worthwhile…and what is in the harm of that?

If nothing else being able to view other writers/sites that you didn’t know existed can only bring a warm and fuzzy feeling….can it not?  So let us not be selfish pricks (excuse my language) we are all here to write to enjoy what others write, if they want to spread the love and give an Award…so be it I say. Who are we to say otherwise?

So to Andrea  – I thank you, to those that don’t agree with Awards – each to their own – to those that partially accept or fully, I commend you for your conviction to believe in your feelings and what you think is right.

To me for having possibly too many scotches and a shit day at work.. I salute you.
