Day before we leave

This isn’t’s a free write that I wrote into my phone as Mr. S and I sat on the foreshore overlooking the beach. It’s..well simply me..being ‘Mums’ and writing what I felt and saw.

Mountains in the distance..
but not that far away, tree tops
that are broccoli fully grown and
depending on the angle of the sun and
shadows cast, something in-between

the foreground of the sand trees
a brighter green, shrunken against
the back drop of the hills
yachts whose sails are brilliant white
flutter against the sun, into
the breeze

flat is the ocean, a dinner plate
not yet filled, until the crest of
white disturbs it’s calm, the dish
now starts to fill, sitting on the
foreshore with late sun
observing teenage love holding hands
and impressing

remembering the openness
of kissing, casting inhibition aside
the cloud that stops the sun
not darkening thoughts of love, as on the path
people walk dogs, ride bikes or jog
and palm tree fingers flicker
in the summer air

thinking who I love in this world
how privileged I am to feel this way
to witness what I do, knowing tomorrow
the plane will take me home
the cold will hit my skin
I write as the sun heralds its goodbye

a tear surfaces in my eye, a knot forms it’s
way into my stomach, I breathe deep, stay
centred..knowing…our lives are here
and now, how beautiful our surrounds are
if we only stop and open our eyes… to think
each day a holiday and not just for now

after the day – prose from Port Douglas

no unsettling macabre tales
as deep within these grey cells
lies beauty – a captured picture
not through a lens
but taken through my eyes

gone the wintry blustery grey
the dark as dungeons, the shutters
of my eyes the camera holding
what I see and feel and smell

for it’s me that takes the candid
shots, though years may travel on
if I never see the photo printed –
in my mind I’ll see it clear, I’ll
remember what it looked like what
was captured here


Calling it a night though only 8:30pm…must be all the fresh air 🙂 We had a lovely tea. Pasta Carbonara for Mr. S and I have a yummy Surf and Turf (thick med-rare steak with garlic cream sauce topped with king prawns, salad and chips) oh and a Mojito …can I tell you how lovely that was… 🙂 So it’s over and out from me for another night (and here I was thinking I wouldn’t blog whilst away…yeah right Mumsy) I figure if I do this daily I won’t have so much to catch up on when I get back. 🙂 xx

Possibly wonky photo placement of our little vacation

4 days away from the computer – our little vacation.
How did we spend our 4 days away?  Our destination unbeknown to me was Warrnambool.
Just under a 4 hour drive from where we live.  Mr. S bless his cotton socks had arranged this vacation. Instead of booking straight into the Motel, we drove towards the beach for me to smile very widely (after waking up from my sleep that is) and gasped at the sign – Horseriding – down the beach. Now Mr. S has only ridden once before and knows how much I love riding and hadn’t been for a while…so *hugs & kudos* to my man for arranging this added surprise for me.

The horses look a little stumpy..bad angle photo. Don't we look stunning in our helmets...

The horses look a little stumpy..bad angled photo. Don’t we look stunning in our helmets?? Mr. S does not like photos of himself – hence the forced smile! Oh and it was cold!

We visited a replication of an old town that existed in the 1800’s. This area was also where the ship the Loch Ard sadly ended it’s voyage from England in 1878

Replica of a school room in the early 1800's.

Replica of a school room in the early 1800’s.

Teachers Rules

Teachers Rules

Newspaper clippings in the 'Pub'...

Newspaper clippings in the ‘Pub’…

Old books in a library

Old books in the Library

The clothes....

The clothes….

The bedroom

The bedroom





An original grave - yes I love walking around cemeteries.

An original grave – yes I love walking around cemeteries.

We stopped to admire the views

2013-04-27 12.55.09

On the way to Port Fairy

Portland The Blowhole
Portland The Blowhole- Site of many Shipwrecks
2013-04-26 11.35.46

Yes – I have only played golf 3 times, hence the way I am holding the club…

and as Mr. S was kind enough to go horse riding with me I did the following –






and what did I buy on the way home for winter comfort? None other than the iconic Australian Ugg slipper.

2013-04-28 16.36.00

My Christmas & Boxing Day

Well it’s done, complete, finished,  adios to yet another Christmas.

Christmas Day left as quickly as it arrived.

Everyone wished everyone a joyful, wonderful Christmas and it was all warm and fuzzy and heart felt.

No one said “Have a stress free day – hope it goes well.”

The stress (yes I stress) and what about you may ask?

You didn’t?

Well, I shall tell you anyway, my family are use to me stressing, in fact I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t…hell it wouldn’t be Christmas if I didn’t.

It can over something as menial as burning the potatoes  (which I did) or burning the extra stuffing (which I did) or putting way too much alcohol in the egg-nog (which I did) that you couldn’t take a sip near a naked flame.

Then of course due to the above mentioned yours truly had a mini (ok a large) hissy fit in the kitchen…where I spewed forth many naughty words – perhaps I had sampled too much of the nog before the family arrived?

“It will be ok mum, you have so much food, we can just cut the burnt bits off” said daughter # 1

“It’s not the *bleep* point – I wanted everything to be perfect and I stuffed it up”, I hissed back.

Enter martyr Jen..

“I worked all yesterday and this morning so it all WOULD be right and now look at it”.

“It’s fine, relax”, rolled eyes from daughter #2.

Another family member started to intrude my space walk into the kitchen.

“U-Turn – U-Turn – Enter at own risk”, daughter # 1 said.

Ugh there was more than enough food, as usual I over catered and we still have probably 5 kg of meat in the fridge, copious left over salads, pumpkin, half cut spuds, pudding, trifle…the list goes on and on.

We have so many drinks left we could open our own bottle shop.

We have jars of lollies (yes I keep going and eating them) and bags of nuts.

We (ok I) so want everything to run like clock work for the timing of the meats to be just right (turkey in the BBQ) pork in the oven and the ham to be thinly sliced.

The table was set perfectly (because I fussed for over an hour folding the bloody linen napkins) there were candles of pine and strawberry burning (I know strawberry isn’t Christmassy but that’s all they had left).

Decorations hung (tinsel and knitted stockings and rather ghastly Santa hats) and Carols and Michael Bubbles singing his Christmas ditties.

The entrée was magnificent (compliments of sister-in-law) and the sweets equally so (compliments of daughter #1 and Mr. S’s mum).

We ate…and ate..and ate some more till my stomach was so distended I couldn’t breathe.  Why do we do this? We (I) don’t feel the need to gorge myself at other times of the year (ok maybe a couple). Christmas Day brings out the inner Alien wanting to be fed..give me more dammit…I want more!

My darling dad sat on the couch and started to nod off a couple of times (yes he sampled some nog) and everyone chatted and moaned about how full they were.

The family then departed by about 6pm – into the T shirt and track pants – ah I can breathe once more.

The kitchen was declared a disaster area but Mr. S was the Knight in Shining Armour and came to the rescue, washing the pots and pans, packing the dishwasher, putting the empty bottles out, collecting up the mess.

I then went on the computer to help for C4C but I think I mucked it up badly as I was so tired I had no idea what I was doing :-(.

Today Boxing Day over to Mr. S’s family for yes you guessed it more food! Surely this stomach cannot hold anymore (or had it stretched from yesterday) ..yes apparently it had and so I did.

Now I sit writing (ok typing) with the thought of all that food in the fridge… shall I go near it? No not I… not for at least an hour or two anyway. Nope it’s back to the diet (if I can stay away from the lolly jars) and step up the exercise regime…thank God (can I say that) that this only happens once a year!


So do tell me about your Christmas Day – did you eat too much or throw a hissy fit?


Credit pic –









Making a List and Checking it Twice & the list includes C4C


3.6kg Pork Shoulder for cooking in BBQ – Check,  5kg Turkey for the Oven – Check,  4kg Ham – cold – Check

Milk, butter, cranberry sauce, flour, basil, parsley, pancetta, bread, onions, cream, eggs, nutmeg, potatoes, pumpkin, peas, chicken stock, pine nuts, bread.


2 bottles strawberry champagne, 2 bottles white, 4 bottles red, 3 bottles spirits – 1 for egg nog. Lemonade, flavoured mineral water, fruit juices.


New white tablecloths x 2, new red cloth napkins x 12, chocolates as centre piece in middle of napkin (as I had to fold them into a flower – which may I say took forever!). Set of new wine glasses, set of new glass tumblers, glasses to put Christmas decorations in for table, candles red, green and white. New jug for egg nog.

I am sure there will be something I have forgotten. How many lists have you made, how many times have you checked them and how many times have you forgotten things?

The tables have already been set here – 1 job done, the meats are in the fridge, the bags of ice for the drinks in the freezer, the ice-cube trays filled in the freezer. Tomorrow we vacuum the floors and wash the floors, we clean the toilet (probably not for the last time). We move some furniture for easier access for our elderly parents. We wash the front step, we clean out on the deck (just in case someone wants to go outside). We have dusted the wooden venetians inside, we have trimmed the ferns, mowed the lawn, did the weeding, empty bins (recycled and rubbish).

We have cleaned showers and vanity basins. Tomorrow I make the egg-nog, tomorrow I make the stuffing for the turkey. Tomorrow I go through every on the lists and make sure that I have everything….

It’s relaxation leading up to Christmas Day isn’t it??

On a more Serious Note:

To close,  I had reposted previously from ruleofstupid  – in case any of you have not seen this please read the below and see if you can help, you would have to let Mr. Panda know straight away if you can volunteer any of your time on Christmas Day for this worthy cause.

C4C is an idea from a blogger (ruleofstupid). RoS used to work with people separated from families, and they always struggled most around Christmas time. Being alone is much harder when all the seasonal TV and media push the image of happy families and picture postcard lives, however unrealistic a lot of it may be. People often feel like everyone is happy and together, so who wants to hear someone being unhappy?! It can be hard to reach out. So RoS started this Blog, to see if maybe some fellow bloggers would be there to talk to around Christmas for others who are separated from loved ones.

So yes, even though I have all the trimmings and the food and the creature comforts,and privileged to have my family around me on Christmas Day, others are not so privileged.

Some people do not have ones that love them or indeed care for them. Some will sit in a lonely place and hope for someone, anyone to hear their small cry for help, for some attention and for some much needed Christmas love.

Perhaps they are widow’s or widowers, or from a family torn apart, for whatever the reason being lonely is terrible enough, but being lonely at Christmas is heart breaking.

We all will be busy and run off our feet on Christmas Day, but perhaps you can devote a little time to this cause?

I will be.

Remember whilst you are having this….

Credit pic -

Others are having this…

“The psychological impact of having nobody to talk to or express concern about you is bad enough. But what has also had a profound impact on us is the medical research which shows loneliness has a major impact on physical health too. Credit Pic

Thank you


180th Post

What irritates me # 3

December has certainly been a busy month for me – no not work – well the first few weeks of it – but I have blogged away merrily every day sometimes 7 a day.. with what you say?


Just stuff 🙂

This is another example – Pull up a comfy chair…

The other day I made the extremely brave move and went head first into modern technology and bought an IPhone 5. Now I am the kinda gal who was reasonably happy with her tiny button Nokia E71 even though I had to hold the phone at a distance so I could actually read the thumbnail size keys,  till the battery started dying on me.

Then it was a case of “Really why don’t you get an IPhone?” “Coz I don’t really need one that’s why”. “But there are so many apps you can have on them”. “Apps, Schnapps – why do I want an App that tells me what noises I make during my sleep, or how I’m going to look in 40 years from now – coz I won’t be here”. “Really mum…”

Ahh technology grabs us sooner or later and we are  forced cohersed into having the latest gadgetry , so yes I sucummbed. However this is not with this post is about…or is it?

Instead of walking into our the Mobile telephone dealer shop and standing around in a queue  for 20 minutes then going through the rigamarole of paperwork for an hour, I rang up the Telco. Mind you the staff of this Telco (like many others in Australia) have been transported have had their jobs made redundant and Sales and Customer Service  are moved to other countries.

I’m not naming which country, in case I offend anyone.

Anywhoo 3 hours later and 6 different departments and being hung up twice, it was ordered. They were advertising order by the 18th get it before Christmas. I ordered on the 18th and had one hell of time trying to actually receive by Christmas. “Oh no Miss Jenny the paperwork will take 5 – 10 working days”.

Not on the add.

Needless to say there was a considerable amount of fluffing around, annoyance (on my part) and frustration. This morning I received a text you phone will delivered to the local Post Office. Wonderful you say… no then she tells me I need the letter with the special bar code in order to pick that up and that will take yes 3-5 working days.

Not on the add or told to me during the ‘lengthy’ conversation.

So how does one get said phone BEFORE Christmas if I can’t pick it up until I get this letter (I was quite ummm irrate by this stage).

Hang on Miss Jenny.

Right then another 20 minutes…. could do my nails..

“Ok Miss Jenny – we will fax the letter to the Telco store, you pick that up (as if that is easy with Christmas shoppers in manic numbers) then you take that to the Post Office and you can collect”.

“Right” Miss Jenny said.

Sure enough within the hour the text came that the notification had been faxed to the Telco Mr. S and I went to collect (and had to do some more Xmas shopping of course) my idea not his.

Then onto the post office.


I walked in at 4.35pm. I walked out with phone at 5.10pm.

The idiot gentleman, I swear did not not know the computer system, 3 different forms of ID to collect said phone, which I had but he wouldn’t listen to me.

This went on…and on…and on…and on. I was losing it big time!

At 5.10 I walked out with my new technology under arm (after having to buy a cable to download all information off old phone into computer) so I could retrieve and put onto new phone (if it works that is).

I love technology…. I love Christmas……



Christmas – to be a child again – Poetry

Written whilst listening to the gentle lull of a piano

Oh how I wish I was a child again

waking in the night full of hope and then

wishing for the gifts that I have put on my list

wanting to run and laugh and be kissed


My face would reveal my awe

my face would say thank you and so much more

the joy that is for Christmas Day

the innocence of a child, the smile that I portray


The tip toe of a child in the morn

gazing upon the tree decorations that adorn

the twinkle that crosses upon their face

the excitement..the anticipation of… I cannot wait


Christmas is for children to see the happiness it brings

the pleasure and the eagerness..makes our grown hearts sing

for Christmas is a special time that adults hold in their heart

the love that hugs us from within that can’t be torn apart


Grasp the bauble from the tree my little one

do you see the colours as it spins?

scrunch the wrapping paper and watch me melt at your wide grin

this is the day for you my child… I wish to be young again


To have these happy memories though I have  some of my own

I take a backward glance… see me as a child and feel the way you do now

bring your laughter to the house on Christmas Day

so that I can relive this joy… so that I too may feel this way


Any child at Christmas, though they may not be your own

have a smile a simplicity that’s a wonder to behold

so share with any child if you can the day that holds this delight

clutch at the happiness that they share…embrace and hold them tight


I wish I was a child again

Google & 123rf photos

Inspired from post  “The Wonderment of Christmas”. Thank you Amber.

Holidaying In Echuca Victoria

Pic Courtesy of Google and Murray River Photos

Last weekend we went to Echuca it’s a 3 hour drive from

Melbourne just near the border of N.S.W. (New South Wales).

I wrote a bit in my journal it went like this…

Sitting next to the pool at the Motel on a blanket on the grass, sipping a red wine and writing- does it get any better?

The sun is shining, a simply glorious day 27 deg C. After an exhausting day at work (Friday 9th) and not feeling too well due to a sore throat bug thing we set off for the drive north to Echuca Moama. Within 30 minutes I was pushing out zzzz’s and woke an hour before we arrived.

The paddocks stretched far and wide either side of the highway as far as they eye could see..that in itself was relaxing.

I saw a herd of sheep to my right, on top of one of the sheep’s heads sat a bird. The sheep was holding his head up to try and see what it was…I’m sorry I laughed it was funny.

We arrived at the Motel, packed away our belongings (I pack for 2 weeks when we go for 2 days), we then went out to a Pub then back to the Motel for some more zzzz’s.

Didn’t sleep that well, perhaps strange bed, perhaps niggly throat thingy and awoke at 6.16am…yay holiday!

We then drove to the designated meeting spot (after a bacon and egg McMuffin for breakfast) well we WERE on holidays 🙂 to begin our kayaking adventure down the Murray River (see top pic), 12 kilometers and 2 hours later we arrived back at our starting spot, with sore arms and back from row row rowing that boat …sorry Kayak.

Courtesy Google &

The Murray in Echuca is renowned for it’s old Paddle Steamers as a Tourist attraction. We didn’t hop on board me hearty’s as we were hungry so off we went to a Pub for lunch in the town sitting in the sunshine, eating a prawn caesar salad (which was utterly delightful) and sipping a Sauvignon Blanc  (Mr S had a slice of home made egg, bacon & spinach pie and a beer) and watching the old coach and Clydesdale horse pull around the tourists and generally people watch.

Courtesy Google and Dept of Victoria


Courtesy Houseofhumble and Google

It was only Friday night, Saturday and Sunday but it felt so much longer.

The different state of mind you are able to achieve when you are on holidays…how grand is it… many more weekends with my gorgeous Mr. S will be planned I am sure.