For knocked over by a feather

This is a little Post for Merby (as I have named her) at knocked over by a feather  If you don’t follow her – why not? She has brilliantly funny posts, every day life situations and informative. So hop over and visit if you haven’t already.

She was lovely enough to write a post on me on ‘Awesome Sunday’ see below:

As she mentioned in her post, whilst out one morning with Mr. S  I saw a painting of the Beatles in a shop window, I immediately thought of her (as she a Beatles nut) and took a shot on my phone. Sadly, I lost it somewhere amongst the blog universe, so I share it again today for HER, (as Mr. S and I went there for breakfast again this morning) not to the shop where they had the pictures ( because that would be too weird), but the Cafe next to it.

So Merby my lovely for doing what you did, this is a a small token of my gratitude in appreciation for what you wrote about me.

PS: Unfortunately they moved the painting, so it was really tricky trying to get a worthwhile shot, due to the window reflection and the street behind me 😦


2013-02-24 11.39.15

But I thank you from my ‘beaty’ thing for being so kind