Christmas – to be a child again – Poetry

Written whilst listening to the gentle lull of a piano

Oh how I wish I was a child again

waking in the night full of hope and then

wishing for the gifts that I have put on my list

wanting to run and laugh and be kissed


My face would reveal my awe

my face would say thank you and so much more

the joy that is for Christmas Day

the innocence of a child, the smile that I portray


The tip toe of a child in the morn

gazing upon the tree decorations that adorn

the twinkle that crosses upon their face

the excitement..the anticipation of… I cannot wait


Christmas is for children to see the happiness it brings

the pleasure and the eagerness..makes our grown hearts sing

for Christmas is a special time that adults hold in their heart

the love that hugs us from within that can’t be torn apart


Grasp the bauble from the tree my little one

do you see the colours as it spins?

scrunch the wrapping paper and watch me melt at your wide grin

this is the day for you my child… I wish to be young again


To have these happy memories though I have  some of my own

I take a backward glance… see me as a child and feel the way you do now

bring your laughter to the house on Christmas Day

so that I can relive this joy… so that I too may feel this way


Any child at Christmas, though they may not be your own

have a smile a simplicity that’s a wonder to behold

so share with any child if you can the day that holds this delight

clutch at the happiness that they share…embrace and hold them tight


I wish I was a child again

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Inspired from post  “The Wonderment of Christmas”. Thank you Amber.

11 thoughts on “Christmas – to be a child again – Poetry

  1. Amber would love that you inspired this poem nod nods *smiles*

    Adds my own verse … though not as lovely as yours…

    The wonderment of children, our spirit it lifts
    Watching and seeing the look on her face
    And then to laugh as she plays with the box not her gift.
    Oh how I wish to be taken back to that place

  2. Christmas through a child’s sparkly eyes is the best. I remember driving through our town on Christmas eve looking up into the starry sky looking for Santa and his reindeer. Many years later, my kids were doing the same in the backseat of our car as my husband and I drove them around. Innocence at its best. Not going to lie though, I like the adult spin on Christmas now too….they can legally have a Christmas cocktail with us while we open the gifts.

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