Liebster Award ……. from My Spoken Heart

These people listed above, along with myself, have been nominated for a Liebster Award. I have thanked and I am humbled by having this Award bestowed on me, for as Andrea has written from who nominated me “I just like them and think they deserve some recognition… so… here is my list”. So as I partially accept Awards, I post the sites of her other nominees, for you to go and have a peak at, if you haven’t already.

People say that Awards are rubbish (well some do) that is like spam, that one doesn’t have to be recognised for what they write or do on here. I took this to heart and stopped accepting Awards. For indeed the Award is having people read what you write and appreciate what you do. However in saying that, I think it is a tad negative if you don’t appreciate others, not for the want of us being patted on the back, but that others think what we do is worthwhile…and what is in the harm of that?

If nothing else being able to view other writers/sites that you didn’t know existed can only bring a warm and fuzzy feeling….can it not?  So let us not be selfish pricks (excuse my language) we are all here to write to enjoy what others write, if they want to spread the love and give an Award…so be it I say. Who are we to say otherwise?

So to Andrea  – I thank you, to those that don’t agree with Awards – each to their own – to those that partially accept or fully, I commend you for your conviction to believe in your feelings and what you think is right.

To me for having possibly too many scotches and a shit day at work.. I salute you.


25 thoughts on “Liebster Award ……. from My Spoken Heart

  1. Sweetly says….CONGRATULATIONS yahhhhhhhh.

    *tosses sugar dust all over*….and makes everything nice and sparkly….and adds garlic butter for the Lobster award yahhhhh.

  2. Pingback: Liebster Award, thanks Rhubblog Administrator! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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