Chat time

It’s Saturday night, well over here it is. It’s 9:24pm to be precise. We are now in Spring, but we have the heater on as it’s well ‘bloody cold’!

Today 7 hours of prepping and painting the house, haven’t really scratched the surface. Have I mentioned I hate painting?

My week, no Services this week, one next Wednesday though, which I shall write up by Monday hopefully.

K was going through a bad time, as they have to leave the shared  house that they were in for 6 weeks. Borderlines do not do well in shared accommodation, for obvious reasons. Their body language, their mood swings do not sit well with others who don’t know they are Borderlines (and it’s something she isn’t going to advertise).

I have had a very stressful week, not knowing where they would go, but luckily one of the ladies that K does cleaning for has offered a room at her place. They already have a border in one room and K and J will be extra. It amazes me how some people are so genuinely generous. I had met the owner when I first started cleaning, she hadn’t even met K let alone J, but she said she wanted to do what she could to help. So I love her for this, as my ‘baby’ won’t be on the streets.

After the painting today, Mr. S and I went out for dinner, the shortest dinner in history.

We went to a dumpling restaurant. Bringing our bottle of wine, when we asked for glasses, the waitress asked if we would pay $2.00 per glass, their way of saying corkage charge.

The meal apart from the dumplings, was sadly mediocre, Mr. S’s main that he ordered resembling a child’s vomit..I kid you not, vegetables, prawns, seaweed, fungi and uncooked egg thrown over the wasn’t finished. We drove there, ate and back home within the hour.

I have been doing my assessments for the Marriage Celebrancy and on to the last one, where now after writing up a Ceremony, according to instructions given, I have to video myself conducting it. Oh joy, oh bliss!

Tonight, perhaps due to a couple of lovely glasses of wine, I’m feeling a little more like my old self, a sense of humour emerges, been such a long time.

Tomorrow, daughter B (eldest) is taking K to the pictures. This is such a huge thing. They have not spoken for over 18 months. I have been going to therapy with B and she has been learning about Borderlines and what I experience and her sister.

It’s baby steps, but I hope this will be the beginning of them at least being able to talk or be in the same room with each other.

I am then taking K to lunch. Should be interesting,  turquoise hair and all.

So for tonight, the old Jen is back, life seems a little easier, especially that K will have a roof over her head. I won’t jinx it by saying any more.



46 thoughts on “Chat time

    • Thank you darling, I feel good to be back, I hope I stay for a while 🙂 yes it is isn’t it, I nearly fell over when K told me. The pictures are safe too, they won’t have to talk too much. My fingers are going to be crossed all day, believe me! xx

      • it is the perfect neutral safe zone for both of them. like going on a shaky date. they can talk about the movie after if they are not yet ready to talk about other things and it is a shared experience for them, a step in their rebonding again, slowly but surely. sometimes it’s two steps forward, one step back, and that’s okay. i’m happy for all of you.

      • I knew that you would be happy and I am so grateful that B has taken the first step. I’m sure they will be on tenterhooks, of the shaky date as you say. I’ll let you know how it goes, thank you sweetheart as I know up you understand xxx

  1. I’m glad to hear that they are reconnecting again. It’s a big step forward. I wish you all the best and strength. You’ll all need that. (And please dont go for dinners like that again, haha)

    • I smiled sweety, no that restaurant won’t be on my high priority list! I hope it goes forward, I received a text from K saying can’t get into my car will have to reschedule… Don’t know if it was to me or her sister… Strength will be needed now ~ hugs xx

  2. Baby steps, Jen, baby steps! You are right, it is a slow process dealing with mental illness. K is not on the streets and has been social with a sibling and those are good things. *gratitude* I am thankful that my children are safe and warm. ❤

  3. Jen, I can only imagine how relieved you are that K has landed in another safe place. It’s wonderful to hear that your girls are working on their relationship too. Keeping families together can really be taxing at times, can it not? Best wishes for you too as you continue on with your path of becoming a marriage celebrant. I think that would be so joyous for you…to be able to celebrate love and beginnings. So nice to see my friend showing her true colors again. xoxoxo

    • Very taxing darling, thank you, I hope I’m not too scared to follow through, even though I have done the assessments, it hasn’t sunk into my head as yet 😦 fun being old and not retaining anything…not. I hope I can continue to show my true colours, now ‘Cindy’ try and get back to poetry that’s not all doom and gloom, I say. xxooxx

  4. As soon as I saw Chat Time, I squealed, “Oh Goody.” Just like a kidlet.
    You have so much going on. Wonderful to hear K and B are getting together. Good start and you’re almost done your Marriage Celebrancy studies. Yay. I know it’s not a favorite time for you, but happy painting. 😀 Good to hear your old self again. ❤

    • How precious are you Tess, that also made me smile wide, squealing like a kidlet, how very sweet of you. I can only hope they do hun, it seems K cancelled 😦 thank you for your encouragement on everything and if you want to come over and help with the painting, be my guest 🙂 hugs ❤ xx

      • My muscles seize up just reading about painting. I’ve done enough to last me a lifetime. Anything else, but not that dear Jen. 😀
        I read about the cancellation but you and K had a lovely day instead. ❤

  5. Good news Jen! 🙂 I hope the sisters had a good time. I hope it’s the beginning of healing and understanding. And your follow up lunch goes well!!!

    I can imagine being excited to be performing marriages but NOT so excited about having to video tape yourself doing a fake one.

    It was good chatting with you. 😀 It felt wonderful.

    • I thought it was going to be, but K cancelled, I just heard 😦 it is meant to be happening next weekend now..I will see how lunch goes…no the video taping is painful lol. I had to do it for the Funeral course as well, possibly about 30 ‘takes’ before I was happy with it. So glad you enjoyed the chat and hugs for your support and kindness 🙂 xx

      • Okay, so let’s see what K does next weekend. I’m sorry she canceled. I hope B is okay about it.

        I hope the wedding service only takes half as many takes! That means you’re getting twice as better! 🙂

        And, you’re welcome.

  6. Oh, first of all, how sad that there was a disgusting presentation of food at that restaurant. I am not sure if I would have asked to see someone and have them replace that plate with some more appetizing food! Good thing you are still in a good mood, since Mr. S. and you had a rather ‘iffy’ start to the weekend! I am so happy, I want to jump up and down, with relief and joy at the way people come forward and try to help others. Especially, glad to hear that K will have a clean and safe place to stay with J. Also, sisters need to be bonded. I have two that are like ‘night’ and ‘day,’ one was in sports, my youngest and prom queen runner-up and my oldest, art college grad, is one who is still not confident, artist and photographer. She and her sister have seen each other only once since the year began! (At Easter…) My oldest daughter wore black in high school and loved her Gothic looks, her goth friends were all smart and band/theater people. I have hopes someday, that youngest if she has children, will relate better to her sister. Well, enough about my family! Smiles and hugs, your mind is ‘full and busy,’ my Dad used to say that is why I was not able to always remember things. Your true calling or “Gift” of being a celebrant, your ability to give of yourself fully and engage so well with personal lives (who need you so much) will help you with all of life’s celebrations, lives, marriages and deaths. I believe you will pass with flying colors, my dear!

    • Being Asian food, which we eat quite a bit of, I don’t think they would have understood our concerns. Thankfully it was cheap! I feel for you and your daughters, K and B are complete opposites too. K was always the non mainstream, whereas B was more concentrated on goals and achieving. Knowing that K has an ‘illness’ though my thinking has completely reversed, knowing what she is now going through. The get together was cancelled, but they are meeting next weekend so I am happy. I hope your girls finally realise as hopefully mine will, that though they don’t have to be BFF’s that they can ‘get along’. Thank you for your kind words about what I do, hugs to you lovely xoxo

      • I guess this probably would be true, but after being a server in a lot of restaurants, I have learned to listen and suggest another entrée to be presented as a ‘take home’ since the first ones were questionable. Sorry, just saying…
        Anyway, our daughters should someday understand and find a way to be sisters. I tell my girls, I never had a sister, wish I had had one! My brothers are very different but I love them each for their differences. They are both so respectful and dear to me… Hugs and hoping you have some great times, adventures in your tree studio apartment ‘get away!’

      • Believe me hun, they wouldn’t have cared. It’s not what you would place in the up market category for fine dining. 😦 I had brothers, now a brother, but very much like K and B we don’t see eye to eye very often. I’m glad your brothers are to you. Hoping for some good and relaxing times soon ❤

  7. My dear MM, things are slowly starting to look better for you and your family. I am very happy for you as you can surely use a much needed a break.
    It’s good to be reminded that there are still some really good people out there (offering the room to K).
    Relationships between siblings can be so challenging, the most difficult step between K & B has been taken however and remember ‘where there is a will, there is a way’
    Take care my lovely

    • Thank you T, it is time for some happiness and togetherness. Yes this lady is being so lovely, charging them only a minimal amount and wanting to help them out, they have been so lucky and will move out in a week. I have my fingers crossed for B and K also, but it seems they are heading in the right direction. Thank you darling xox

  8. that meal sounds positively disgusting! good thoughts to your daughter (and all of you). here in southern california we’re suffering through a heat wave – 37 C on the beach! for the past week, with no relief in sight ~

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