Ligo Haibun Challenge – Mother Earth – our air


A Haibun

Have my head adorned with a wreath of fern blossom and wild daises, picked from mother earth.

Amid the grass I shall walk bare footed, anointing my skin with the early morning dew.

Invite the suns golden warmth to envelop me and I shall raise my arms to its magic.

Brown earth on which I tread the physical – enter my soul – the spiritual. 

Understand that I journey with you and upon you, I speak to the rivers and bathe in them this day. 

Now intoxicated from scent of perfumed flowers, I dance with arms outstretched and wait till night falls.

For Jani

Joyously I greet the longest day, the shortest night around the bonfire with fallen wood not stolen. 

As we dine on cheese with caraway and sup on ale throughout the dark.

No evil we will witness, birch and oak adorn our dwellings, we are safe from harm.

Into the night, my senses awakened,  mother nature and I are one,  forever to remain.


Nature provides life

I survive because of you

and inhale your breath


This is for the


I have chosen to do an acrostic version for the prose (I hope this fits in with the rules). Thank you Pirate for the invite.

Simply breathe


aromatic wafts ~~~sensual alluring smell ~~~masking all others 

temples high in hills ~~~monks light incense kneel to pray~~~ sun weaves through the fog 

 perfumed burning stick~~~ meditate close eyes relax~~~ breathing in then out


fragrant apple smoke
spirals through the air around
floats past my nose sneeze

For: HaikuBadge_Final